Tuesday, January 11, 2011


An hour ago I left Jacob at preschool for the first time ever.  He was a little hesitant, but handled it beautifully.  I think I'm more upset by the whole evolution than he is.  I know this is good for him, but still. He's my baby boy.... by my side every morning for the last 4 1/2 years, so this is a big change for both of us.

This preschool is just one of the many ways God has provided for us lately.  After Jacob's diagnosis, it was recommend  to us that he would benefit from preschool.  Along with the therapies that he is/will be receiving, being around kids his age in a social environment will help him learn the social skills/behaviors that he needs.  While I agree with that, actually finding a preschool presented itself as a whole different challenge.

While he needs to by around "typical" children, he is not "typical", therefore requires a bit of extra time, attention and re-directing.  Understandably, this is more than the average preschool teacher is able to do, while managing an entire class of 4 years olds.    We looked at a couple of different preschools but all the ones we considered were either unwilling to take on the added responsibility of an ASD kid, or willing to take him on as long as he wasn't too different.... didn't require too much time and attention.

** Let me insert here that I don't at all blame these preschools for this.  They are not equipped for special needs kids and asking them to take this on would be unfair to them and to Jacob.

Well, God provided.  As He always has.  Through a variety of providential meetings and conversations, we came upon a preschool that is run by 2 ABA therapists out of their home.  It is a class of 5 children with 2 full time teachers, both of whom are trained in working with kids with autism.  The preschool is specifically set up to teach typical children and kids with ASD together, purposefully engaging them with one another so that the ASD kids can learn from the typical children.  Really.  How perfect is that? I'd never even heard of such a thing.

It gets better.  Our insurance approved Jacob to receive all his ABA therapy from his preschool teacher!  So, 2 days a week he will be at "preschool"....learning from other children and being taught by 2 ABA certified teachers.  And 3 days a week, a friendly, familiar face will be is therapist.

All of this is taking place less than 10 minutes from our house, with hours that fit perfectly with the girls school times.  Can you tell that I am more than a little bit thankful for all of this?  

I so love this little boy and am so proud of him.  I can't believe he's old enough for preschool  And.....as I type this, I am watching my littlest boy play quietly next to me with Legos.  So, now I'm off to get some much needed one on one time with this little guy.  A morning with only one child at home?  What to do?  The possibilities are endless.  :)


Amy said...

Jenny, isn't God so sweet!!! Always giving more than we could ask or imagine!!! I am so excited for you and Jacob. I pray that he thrives in this environment and that these sweet teachers are just perfect for him!!! So happy for you guys!!! And I can't imagine after having 5 at home going to 1 - WOW what will you do with yourself?

Jackie said...

That's wonderful, Jenny! I've been praying for Jacob and for you. And, wow, what an answer to prayer! Sounds like a perfect fit.

Donna said...

Wonderful, wonderful! So happy you found this- it really sounds tailor-made for YOU. Amazing!

Jennifer Werneth said...

How wonderful! I hope he loves it too!

Jessie said...
