Friday, January 21, 2011

packin heat

Over the holidays, we went to Alabama to spend a week with my family. Christmas was great, of course. We hadn't been home as a family in nearly 2 years so it was a treat for all of us. The kids just love spending time with my parents and all of the extended family. Their favorite part, I think, is getting to experience living in "the country". Right now, unfortunately, we live in the middle of suburbia. There are alot of fun and valuable things about rural life that the kids miss. But for a week over Christmas, they got to experience country living, the way I grew up... and they loved it. They played outside almost non-stop (because in AL you can play outside in December..... July, not so much). They put pennies on the railroad tracks, they checked out cotton and cows and tractors. They got to feed chickens and pet a donkey and see sheep. They drove a golf cart all over the fields (Hannah even learned to drive) and even ended a few of the evenings by a bonfire. However, one of their favorite new experiences was shooting their first rifle.

On Christmas Eve, we took the kids our in the back yard and the older girls got to shoot for the first time.

Because really, nothing says "Christmas" like shooting something.

It was a family affair. Four generations, gathered on this sacred day. To shoot stuff.

I was impressed with hubby's skills. I think he's a southerner at heart.

We didn't shoot anyone.  Just targets.  But the kids thought it was so cool.


I even got to teach the girls to shoot on the very first rifle I ever shot.  I was about their age and I have great memories of shooting with my dad and granddad.


It was very special mother/daughter bonding.

But now that I knocked the rust off my skills.... don't mess with me...


...cause Mama's packin heat.


Jackie said...

Awesome. Now, I know who to call when I need back up.

Jessie said...


Amy said...


Dena and Robbie said...

Wow, I didn't know that about you. I love it.

Jennifer said...

hilarious!! what fun memories!

Donna said...

I grew up shooting- and we go shooting with family all the time. I really "get" this post!

Merrill said...

yep, we do this too, down in Milton, Fl at my parents. 5th amendment, baby!

Merrill said...

whoops, 2nd amendment...

Kathy said...

Fabulous pics of you and the girls!!!!