Saturday, September 18, 2010

things I want to remember....

Nathan will eat pretty much anything.  I love that I can catch him sneaking veggies off the table before dinnertime.


All kids sneak snacks, but peas?  Awesome.


Sleep-overs that the girls have.  Hannah has her own room now, but nightly they beg to sleep together.  It's fun to be big and have your own space, but nothing's better than sisters.


And, of course, bathtime with all these tiny hineys. It's a party in the tub.  Every. Night.


My amazing husband who painted our front room for me.  It's the school room and we spend alot of time in there.  It's also the first room you see when you walk in the house.  It was this marvelous 1987 rose/mauve color.  And even though this house is just a rental, Ken painted it a great landlord approved neutral color.  I could have painted it, but I'm usually preggers so he's somehow become the painter de facto in our family.  Anyway, it looks soooo much better and it makes me smile. He makes me smile.


Another Gracie creation #793.  This time from a tortilla.  Great goalie mask. 


Playing in the sprinklers in the backyard.  This summer, in order to be outside, you pretty much had to be wet.  Or else you would melt.  We had fun putting pool at the bottom of the slide and splashing in like gangbusters. 


I can't believe that I have another Kindergartner this year.  It made me happy to write Claire's name on her school books this year.  She's loving school and having lots of fun.  Every Friday the parents come to school for lunch and prayer and their closing hymn.  This week was pizza Friday.  So fun to eat with the girls and then watch them sing Amazing Grace with their classmates.  


This is Kitty.  Claire's best friend for the last 4+ years.  Now kitty rides to school with us in the mornings and "naps" in the car until I pick the girls up at noon.  It's sweet and strange to see Kitty laying in the back of the van all alone.  I realize that C is growing up.... but she's still not too big for Kitty.


Claire lost her first tooth last week. G had to have one pulled today because her permanent teeth were crowding it out.  Han just got braces.  Nate is getting his "eye" teeth.  Jake just has a great smile.... one that shows all his teeth. Teeth are taking up alot of mental energy in our house right now.  5 kids equals about 100 little teeth.  The tooth fairy is one busy individual around here.


The weather is finally getting cool enough to actually enjoy the outside world here!  We have a hoop in our driveway and family basketball is becoming a nightly routine.  Han is really good and can beat me in Horse.... not that that's saying that much.  But she is good.  Nate loves being in on the action too.


He's only about 2 feet tall.


But the kid's got game.


These little ones really make our life so very full.  Full of all these little moments that I don't want to forget.  Nathan is picking up a few more words now.  My favorite is "okay".  Anything you ask him now....the answer?  "Okay."  So simple, But I love, love that sweet little voice.


As a reminder to myself, in these sticky, messy, exhausting days.... these are the things that make it all worthwhile.


Jackie said...

Sweet memories.

Donna said...

Good to hear what you are up to! I cannot believe your baby sneaks peas! That's amazing! Glad Daddy painted up your school room- your new house seems awesome!

Maria said...

Loved the recap! Sweet, sweet, photos, and sweet, sweet kids. It's encouraging to be reminded that the sweetness of life outweighs the stickiness when we take the time to put things into perspective :)

Jessie said...

I love the sister slumber party picture!

And Claire does the same thing, except she says 'Yea' to everything instead of 'okay'...adorable.