Sunday, August 8, 2010

Marriage enrichment....for only $4.99

We are not technical geniuses at our house.  As a general rule, we slowly drag our feet into the next technological advancement of our times.  iPod, Twitter, Facebook?  If we choose to go there at all, we are generally at the end of the line.

That being said, just a couple of weeks ago, we started texting.  I know.  We may be the last people on the planet to have added this feature to our cell plan. Why text? I have have always wondered.  If you're already holding the phone, isn't it just as easy to call?

As it turns out... no, it isn't!  Texting is a wonderful thing. I am stating the obvious for most of you, but this fact was revolutionary for me.

Ken "had" to be able to text for work, so we added this handy dandy feature to our phone.  We had no idea the benefits that this would have in store for our marriage.  Really.

Now, several times a day, while Ken's at work...we text. Not just passing info and such, but sweet little notes that keep "us" in the forefront our minds. Since we usually can't talk uninterrupted during the day.... him because he's working, me because I'm working....this little trick has been just the thing.    How sweet it is to be in the heat of battle with some household issue and hear that glorious little chirp from my phone to let me know that my hubby is thinking about me and offering a few words of encouragement.


Love note, encouragement, morale booster... for only $4.99 a month.

So worth it.


Jen said...

Unless you are also slow on the technology front and still have a phone that requires you to punch each number 10 times to just type out ONE letter. :) I hate that texting has become the new "calling"... and that when I call back people after they've texted me with something that requires a LONG answer, they seem off guard that I'm not texting in return!! As if, why are you CALLING me on this TEXTING machine?! So glad to know I'm not the only one still without an ipod or ipad, and not on twitter or facebook! I'll gladly stand in back with you!

Me llamo Cristina said...

Ha ha! Yes, that is my favorite thing about texting--the sweet I am thinking of yous that we get to exchange throughout the day.

Jessie said...

I've reached the point where I almost ONLY text on my phone. Everyone. Why have a conversation for 5 minutes when you can text what you need in 5 seconds? It's sort of the bad end of the spectrum! But so glad it's added a sweet moment(s) to your day!!

Jackie said...

Aww, that's so sweet. I heard someone say once that if texting had come first, and all of a sudden we were able to make an actual phone call, people would be amazed. "What? You can actually TALK to people on these things? That's amazing!"