Saturday, August 21, 2010

our big 9 year old

Today Hannah turned 9.  It just seems so much older than 8 to me, somehow.  We had a fun family day together.  Of course it started with our traditional birthday breakfast, followed by presents.


We all hung out together for the morning.  Dad took the older kids rollerblading, one of Hannah's favorite things.  For lunch, Hannah and I had a mom-daughter date to a Japanese Steakhouse.  It was the first time she'd seen a hibachi grill.   She loved the food and it was fun a fun experience.

After that we came home and picked up the other girls and hit the movies for an afternoon showing of "The Return of Nanny McPhee".  All of the girls were giddy with excitement since we average about one movie per year, if that.

We came home and grilled out hotdogs for dinner, had birthday cake and sang Happy Birthday to my sweet oldest girl.  It was such a fun day for everyone... but it was markedly different than her other birthdays.  For one, there were no toys.  This year, she wanted books and a journal and other "grown-up" gifts.  There was no theme to the party... just her favorite and orange.

She wanted to help make the cake and spend quality time together.  She wanted to make the day great for the little ones and not make it only about her.  

She really is growing up right before our eyes and it not so much a little girl anymore, but rather a big girl, well on her way to becoming a young lady.  She's tall and she's able and in two weeks she gets braces.  She's my helper and she's responsible and still so much fun... just in a more grown up way.

And tonight, when I put her to bed, she wasn't sitting in the middle of the floor playing with her new toys like I can so clearly remember her doing on every birthday past.   Tonight she was lying in her bed, after tidying her room, writing in her journal about her 9th birthday.  As it should be.  Because she is 9 now, after all.

I love you, Hannah and am so thankful that God gave us you.  What a joy it is to see you growing up right before our eyes.  Happy Birthday, baby!


Dena and Robbie said...

I was thinking about Hannah turning nine years old last week because Hadley turned nine three days later. I remember when they were born. I too am amazed at how time has gone by so quickly. She is a doll. Please wish Hannah a happy birthday from the Pennington's. Hopefully one day the girls will get a chance to meet.

Donna said...

Sounds like a perfect day! What a big girl she is- I can't believe she wanted a journal- so sweet!

Jessie said...

Happy posts all around! And I agree that 9 seems so much older than 8. Like 5 seems so much older than 4. They're just sort of thresholds. We are just about to be 8 here, so I have one last year of a kid before, you know...

Glad you guys are settled!