Monday, May 10, 2010

Paw Sox

I had a great Mother's Day and my sweet husband gave me several hours in the afternoon to work on my pictures.  I hid in our room and worked on the computer somewhat undisturbed for quite a while... and I loved it.  The rest of the day was great too... lovely handmade gifts, a big breakfast, tulips.... a phone call to the doctor, a trip to the pharmacy and a kid with an abscessed tooth.  Well, that last part wasn't great, but that's a whole 'nother story. 

Anyway, back to those pictures I'm catching up on.  Last week we took in a minor league baseball game with the kids.  There is a farm team (is that what you call it?) for the Boston Red Sox near here... the Pawtucket Red Sox.  The kids has so much fun and definitely a favorite Rhode Island family memory for me.


These minor league games are so much for for the kids.  They all (especially Jake) thought the mascot was pretty cool. This is the "girl" mascot.  They have boy and girl polar bears as mascots.  Something for everyone, I guess.


We went to an evening game and managed to stay the whole time.  The weather was perfect.

Nathan did sooo well, especially considering we were out was past his bedtime. He smiled (although this picture doesn't reflect that) at everyone around.  And he even had his first taste of cotton candy.

Jake's favorite part was that all the seats had numbers on them.  He is beyond obsessed with numbers.  He also loved the scoreboard, the jerseys, the pitch speeds.  There are numbers everywhere at baseball games.   So he counted pretty much all night.  

The girls liked the baseball, but mostly enjoyed the other cool the bear that threw out T-shirts...

...all the cool songs... like "Sweet Caroline", when everyone sang...

... the yummy ballpark food... snuggling  with Dad.  Claire told Ken during the game that this was the best night ever.

And, as if all that wasn't enough, the home team won.  

And.... it gets better... they had a huge fireworks show after the game.  So cool.

We didn't get home until about 11:30pm. With our car full of sleeping kids. Very fun night and great memory.


Jackie said...

So fun! What great memories for your kids. Oh, and I absolutely love the last pic on your previous post of Nathan and your grandmother. Such a great shot.

Donna said...

How fun! I hope we can get to our first baseball game this year. I love Jake in his sunglasses! So cute!