Thursday, September 1, 2011

What it's all about

These are my people. My favorite people in the whole wide world. Really. The whole world.


This picture is several months old. But then again, that's fitting because it's been several months since I posted much of anything on here. As much as I loved blogging before, I'm just not there right now.

These are my people. And they're what it's all about right now.

Some people are super organized and together and can do it all and blog about it.

That's not me.

I love taking pictures and sharing and writing. And I really could spend hours doing that right now. But those hours, for me, have to come from somewhere. And I'm just not willing to take them from these people right now.

Maybe when I'm more organized and settled and life is less busy (which I don't think will ever happen). Maybe then I'll blog again.

But maybe not.

Either way. I'm still here. And we're doing okay. And I'm loving that I get to be a wife and mommy. I love my husband that is my teammate through doing all of the exciting and the mundane things that make our life what it is.

I'll hopefully be spending this Fall taking care of the most important things first. Choosing more wisely than I have before. Or maybe not. But I'll try.

For everything there is a season. And this is my season to be all here. All the time. Making our house a home. Serving my family. Not giving my energies to something else. Because there is nothing more worthy than the calling to which He has called me. And because I'm sinful and am so easily lured away by bright and shiny objects... sometimes I just have to step away. And remember my calling. And the One who has called me.

These are my people.


And what an amazing gift that is.


Amy said...

love this post!!! Glad to hear an update. Enjoy life right now!!

Jackie said...

Beautifully said. It's great to hear an update and see posts from you. But seriously, looking at those sweet faces it's easy to see why your focus is solely on them. :)

Donna said...

You have wonderful people and I totally understand there are seasons where you have to focus solely on your vocation. Good to hear from you though!

Jessie said...

What lovely words and thoughts! I haven't been over in a while, but as always, I am inspired by your beautiful family and patient, faithful words.

Do you still live in the same place? This new house was just a new house in the same place, right?

moparcoastie said...


I'm trying to get in touch with Ken. The Coast Guard is sending me to Norfolk for dunker training this Thursday the 3rd at NAS Norfolk. I get into town Wednesday afternoon the 2nd and leave the evenng of the 3rd. I'm hoping to meet up with Ken for a quick visit, perhaps see all of you guys if I can. I sent him a message on facebook a couple weeks ago but haven't heard back. Then I remembered your blog...sorry to say I haven't read it in a while. Could you have Ken give me a call when he gets a chance. My cell phone number is 757-617-4308.

Brian C.