Friday, July 8, 2011

happy day

So happy to report that I just got a camera in the mail!

Thanks to our wonderful homeowner's insurance that covered most of what was stolen, I was able to purchase another camera. Apparently, they no longer make the camera I had before... so I had to upgrade. I was a little bummed because I loved my camera. But now that I have my hands on the new one, all black and shiny, I'm kinda over it.

I'm still charging batteries and working on getting the right memory stick, so no pictures just yet... but I'm closer than I was. Happy day.

Speaking of cameras, I had the take my oldest 2 girls to the dentist this week. (Sorry, but a smooth transition there just wasn't possible).

Anyway, Grace had to get 2 baby teeth pulled to make room for the big ones. They were starting to come in high in her gums and it wasn't going to be pleasant. Hannah also had to go in for a filling.... bad mommy, I know. Anyway, as is our usual MO, I had all 5 little ones in tow. After waiting in the waiting room with children 3 thru 5 for over an hour, Grace comes out... all stuffed full of gauze and feeling a little woozy. I immediately recognized the look on her face and we headed for the bathroom where she threw up everything, gauze and all. Apparently this "happens sometimes?" I did not know this. Now I do. Anyway, I take children 2 thru 5 to the car while we wait on Hannah and just told them to come get me when they were done. They did, but the whole process for Han took nearly 2 hours. For one tiny filling. Really?

Needless to say, we were so done with the dentist by the time we left. Obviously, I felt bad for G and all that she had been through. And I could help but think of how hard it must be for Hannah to sit there and be worked on for that long. Sitting still isn't her forte under the best of circumstances. Doing it under threat of drill and needle is, I'm sure, much worse.

As we were driving home, Hannah tells me that she just kept repeating 2 verses in her head. One about suffering being temporary (I can't remember now which one she quoted) and the other being Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Those words, brought to her by the Holy Spirit, to comfort her in her time of need. What a blessing as a parent to see, so tangibly, God working in the life of your child. I couldn't be back there in that chair with her. But God was there. His Holy Spirit was there to comfort her, to bring those words to her mind, the words that He had sealed into her heart. God's Word truly is living and active. Wow.


Merrill said...

Shiny new camera? Awesome. Dentist trip? Terrible.

Jackie said...

Poor Grace and Hannah! That reminds me...I need to schedule my 6 mo dentist appt.

Amy said...

so excited about the new camera...So sad about the dentist trip but what a beautiful thing to watch your children experiencing their faith first hand - praise God for evidence of a changed little heart!!!

Donna said...

That is amazing that she went straight to God's word for comfort- what peace and joy that must bring your heart! I think that's very unusual and special for a child to remember those verses without prompting- how special! Glad your photography will be back and so wonderful to have great homeowners insurance.