Wednesday, June 29, 2011

a brief rundown

Do you ever have so much to do that you just don't do anything? Well, that's where I am in my house right now. And apparently on my blog as well. So much has happened, is happening here right now. Not sure really where to start.

We moved. This weekend. Our 10th address in 11 years. We're in our new house, praise God. We love it. However, we have boxes ceiling high and we still don't have a refrigerator. Feeding a family of 7 our of an ice chest for 4 days has been challenging. But the fridge is being delivered today.

I love our house. We have the nicest neighbors ever. And a lovely yard....complete with a garden in which I will try with all my might to grow fresh veggies. And flowers. There are already pretty flowers there. And there are lots of lightening bugs and alot fewer mosquitos.

Before we moved, however, our house (our old rental where we were living before) got robbed. Like really robbed. We were upstairs sleeping and apparently 3 guys came in the backdoor and took most everything valuable downstairs. Thankfully, the 7 things that are really valuable were upstairs sleeping, blissfully unaware. God protected us. Without a doubt. And I am thankful.

But that's why there are no pictures here now. We no longer have a camera. Or a TV. Or anything else electronic... except the computer. Obviously. The only thing that made me sad was that they took a video camera and the tape inside, which was of Jake's birth and first week of his sweet little life. That kinda makes me want to hunt them down.

However, the police caught one of them. Turns out it was a gang thing. And we really don't live in the ghetto. However, we are alot more careful about checking the deadbolt now. Sad that you have to worry about that, no?

The girls finished school. They had a great year and learned so much. I can't believe how fast they're growing. Grace just turned 8. Can't believe that my chubbiest little baby is such a beautiful young lady now, reading books for hours on end, creating beautiful works of art and developing her own sense of style. Although my little carefree spirit did wear 2 left shoes to school a few weeks ago. Really. I think it's because she was born in California.

Jacob also turned 5 in May. He is doing well. Always up for a game of hide-and-seek or Candyland. His favorite books are still the dictionary and "the USA book" (a textbook on American history). His talents and interests will probably always be a bit off the beaten path. I don't ever watch him and totally forget that he's autistic. But I'm learning to be okay with that. Not that I have a choice. He is a beautiful gift to us. Created exactly as the Father intended... without mistake.

Ken and I also had birthdays. He's now approaching the mid 40s and I'm officially old enough to be "advanced maternal age". And that's all we really need to say about that.

2 weeks ago, as we were gearing up to move, I found out that my Mema back home was terminally ill. She's had Alzheimers for a while, but due to a new condition, she wasn't expected to live much longer. I grew up in the house with my Mema and Papa. My family lived with them from the time I was 5 and still live there now. I flew home to say goodbye.

I spent time alone with her in the hospital. I got to care for her the way she has always cared for me. I got to be with her and love on her as best I could. I got to say goodbye. At least for now. I know I will see her again. What a glorious day that will be.

I came home, then flew back the next week for the funeral. I could say so many amazing things about her life. But to do so on a blog seems trite. So I won't. But she was amazing. As is my mom, who has spent tireless hours and days and months caring for her. I come from a long line of pretty amazing women. There's hope for me yet.

It's 5am now and I'm heading into another day of unpacking. And Hannah gets her braces off today. Sitting and writing and praying and so thankful for my family. For Claire's sweetness and Gracie's sense of humor. For Hannah's sense of responsibility and Jacob's love. And Nathan's cuteness that I could just eat with a spoon. And for a loving husband to share all this with. And for another day to try to recognize the grace that is so freely given. And to choose joy.


Jackie said...

First: Oh my gosh, Jenny, you were robbed?! While you were IN the house?! I can't imagine how scared, angry, vulnerable that must have made you feel. SO glad you are all safe!

Second: stressful...ugh.

Third: Yay, you're blogging again. I've missed your posts.

Amy said...

So sorry about losing the video. It makes my heart sad. I am glad you guys are moving forward in life. John and I have started using that word because well sometimes you aren't doing really bad or good and you are just, well, moving forward. You have been on my mind alot the last month because I assumed you were moving yet again and well I get that. So praying for a sweet transition to your "long time home"

MindyD said...

So good to hear from you again, Jenny. So sad for your loss. Losing family, even when it's expected (sometimes even more so) is hard, but I'm glad you had the opportunity to see her again before she died. Hang in there and good luck with the unpacking - a box a day! :)

Merrill said...

A lot of life going on- glad I checked back in on you! I want to hunt down those miscreants glad you are all safe tho.

Donna said...

So glad you are back- your blogging girlfriends missed you. Hope unpacking goes well- this is probably one of the first times you've unpacked a house without a real little tiny baby- maybe that will help. Although, come to think of it little tiny babies don't make big messes...

Jen said...

Just getting caught up here... I cannot believe you were robbed while you were THERE! We were robbed while we were NOT there, when it was just one baby, and it was still scary and left us feeling vulnerable. Same thing, camera stolen, and made me the most upset. I cannot even believe it. And the baby, oh Jenny. Yes, God is good and life is hard. Miss you, friend. Praying now...