Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Really?  It's been this long since I've posted?  And now that it's midnight and I have to be up in about 5 hours, I think this is the best time to catch up?  There's just so much.  Please excuse the random stream of thoughts here, but putting all my thoughts into flowing verse escapes me at this hour.

Nathan turned two.  I have lovely pictures of his birthday, but my computer is not allowing me to download them just now, so I'll have to post those later.  We had the traditional birthday breakfast complete with presents and Spiderman plates.  He is so much fun these days.  So incredibly much work... but so much fun.  He has an awesome, vibrant personality and a million dollar smile.  He attacks life head-on, full force and with no inhibitions whatsoever.  He is talking like crazy and will jump off of anything.  Anything.  His favorite toys are Ken's wallet and his toy trucks.  He loves basketball and most any other kind of ball.  And hats, he loves hats.  He likes to use the potty but just for fun, not really in a potty-trained kind of way. He does however like to take off full diapers and play with the contents.  You're welcome.  Other than that, he's adorable most of the time.  Except when he's screaming.  But even then, one has to admire his passion for life and for whatever else it is he wants at the moment.  Passionate.  That's a good word for it.

We bought a house.  Or, are buying a house, I should say.  We are supposed to close in May.  After a year of renting, we decided to jump into the market again.  With Jake's diagnosis with are  an "Exceptional Military Family", therefore will likely be homesteaded here for the duration of Ken's career.  We like it here, the kids like it here and I could see it as a place we could grow roots.  So, rather than renting for another year, we are buying.  We'll be moving in June. Only about 2 miles down the street.  The house has plenty of room for us, a yard that invites kids to play and is in a good location.  Those were important features to us.

We lost a baby.  It sounds unimportant throwing that statement in mid-blog.  But it's not.  It is and was very important.  And hard.  He was a baby that was here and loved and named.  I found out while Ken was in Germany last month that we were pregnant again.  We were surprised but, of course, very happy.  Around 6 weeks, I could tell things weren't going well and I miscarried shortly thereafter.  We had told the kids about the baby.  When we told them of the miscarriage they were disappointed, but handled it with great eternal perspective.  Gracie just pointed out that our family in Heaven is growing.  She's right.  That makes 3 babies that we've ushered into heaven in the last few years.  I don't understand it, but I guess I don't have to.  I have lots of other thoughts on all these things, but I haven't fully processed them into words yet.  In the mean time, I'm just trusting Jesus.

Jake's therapy is going well.  We are seeing progress with him and hoping it will continue.  I'm learning alot about advocating for him and about the need for more awareness about Autism.  I could do a whole post on that.  I guess that's the social worker in me coming out.  It's also the mom in me.  I want what's best for him and I want him to have opportunities and I want him to be understood.  With or without AS, he is a joy to me.  I just love that guy.

The girls are doing well.  Although I don't want to lump them all together as "the girls" because
they couldn't possibly be more different from one another.  They are all strong and beautiful and funny and sweet... but all in amazingly unique ways.  They're loving school and really settling into life here.  

We have major things on the horizon.  Stuff that is still in the planning and processing and praying stage.  Stuff that will be hard and trying and testing.  Stuff that I will need my God to get through.  But, as mama always said, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.  I'm realizing that most of the spiritual growth in my life hasn't come by way of the easy things.  So if it's the hard things that will bring me to know Him more, then I pray that I will have the grace to embrace that.

In the  mean time, we are enjoying the fruits of all that God has blessed us with.  Warm weather, exciting days, beautiful children, fellowship, best friends, each other. 

 Life is hard.  God is good.  Don't confuse the two.  :)


Jessie said...

Wow, Jenny, that is so much! I couldn't agree more with your two year old thoughts. Wow, the work, the constant direction! But the passion and JOY are so full, too. I need to take notice.

And I am so sorry about the baby. What beautiful perspective from Grace. I pray for you to have comfort and hope as you think about all your little ones reuniting one day! What a fun day for your family, it will be!

And what big news about the house and settling? This is a major paradigm shift in your thinking about life, is it not? I hope you guys feel it is a good thing, I couldn't really tell from your thoughts. I guess it is just a big change.

Prayers will be with you as you face the future - thanks for updating!

Jackie said...

Wow. Just wow. I wondered what had been going on that you haven't updated your blog. I was planning on sending you a message on facebook this week. Now I know.

My heart breaks for your loss. I'm so sorry. Like Jessie said...what beautiful perspective from Grace. Praying for comfort and peace.

And buying a house?! That's huge! After all the moves and all the changes, what a difference it will be to "settle."

Know that I am praying for you and your sweet family.

Amy said...

I was so glad to see your fb post this morning. You have been on my mind the last few weeks but we have had lots of people in our house and been very busy. So I haven't checked in but I have prayed.
I am so glad to know more specifically how to pray. I too am sorry about the baby and am constantly amazed at the insight into children.
When I read that you guys will get to be still i just sighed. How excited you must be. I am sure it is a double edge sword. I hate that Jake's AS is the reasons but at the same time I am thankful that he will get to be in the same home and school for a duration. It seems it will make life easier for both you and him. What a sweet blessing.
So I am praying friend. Glad to hear from you!!

Donna said...

Jenny I'm so, so sorry about your little angel. I wish I could bring you a meal or take you out for coffee. I know you know you will see him again- what a day of joy that will be. Are you happy to be settling down? It's exciting you found a great house so close to where you are. Take Care sweet friend- your heart is safe in Him.

Kathy said...

As one of your newer friends I have so enjoyed getting to know you and your family in person, and reading up on life with the McNeills, as well as praying along with you in the ups and downs of life.

It's so good to be reminded that He's carrying all the burdens and has a plan, even if we can't understand it all.

Selfishly, I'm glad you'll get to stay here - it will give us a chance to get to know each other better and I'll get to watch your amazing kids grow!

Lindsey said...

jenny, i am sorry it took me so long to comment. i read several weeks ago. i am sorry to hear about your baby. we have three little ones waiting on us too, so i can emphathize. i hope you guys had a wonderful easter weekend and are getting used to the idea of staying in one place. love to you all.