Thursday, November 4, 2010


On Sunday, we had a trick-or-treating good time.

Of course I tried to get a picture of all of my trick-or-treaters, but the little one is fast.

Just a blur, he would be.

But he was there.  A Chicago Bears football player.  He fits the part.

Hannah was a Princess from the Reformation period.... the same outfit that she wore for the Reformation Day celebration at school on Friday. I think she's getting so grown-up looking, don't you think?

Jake was Spiderman, of course.  Although he's never seen a Spiderman cartoon or anything else, he's seen toys and thinks he's the coolest.  It's a boy thing.

As Jake was strutting around as a super hero, the girls kept calling for him to "rescue" them.
He was more than happy to oblige. 

And here's the Prima Ballerina.  Every year Claire is some form of a ballerina.  It's just her thing.   But that makes costumes easy, right?

And Grace... who was going to be a Reformation princess until 1 hour before trick-or-treating... became a fuzzy caterpillar!  This was the best I could do on such short notice, but I think she turned out pretty darn cute.

The kids hit the streets and this year, this little guy was right there with them.  Rather than the stroller, we used his monkey-leash (I didn't get a picture of it... but it's cute and practical and used often these days).  Regardless of what anyone might think of such contraptions...he loved the freedom and we came home with the same 5 children we left home with.

We were obviously the first ones to hit the streets in our neighborhood.  But soon the streets were bustling and a fun time was had by all.  A memorable family night.  And Claire's already counting down the days until next year.  

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