Wednesday, November 3, 2010


.... you just need a break.

I'm not really sure what triggered my blog break, but I think it was much needed. I love to write and "scrapbook" of sorts, but this is a busy season of our life. And is something has to fall by the wayside, better the blog than the kids, no? The housework has fallen by the wayside a bit too along with other things that I'm trying to put on track, but God has been good. I am learning and have learned and, by grace alone, will continue to learn as He models His love for me in this amazing thing called a "family".

We are more settled here than we were a month ago. We have people, and that's a good thing. We haven't made any heart friends, as you may call them, but we have people. People that we can call and people that care and give us a sense of belonging to the Body here.

This week, I got in the van, the swagger wagon, with the kids, cranked it up and it was bad. Noises and rattles and a really bad smell. After a trip to the shop we were told that the engine needed to be replaced... the engine... the whole flippin engine. Really? After the initial shock of that news, we came to the conclusion that it's God's money, not ours. If He wants to buy an engine, who are we to argue?

The next question to be answered was how I was going to get the kids back and forth to school without a car. With a family of 7, we won't fit in Ken's truck and most people don't have room to haul 3 extra kids for carpool.

How could we not have known or ever doubted that God would provide, bountifully as always. I sent an SOS email to a few other moms in the school. Within hours, people had divided up our kids and arranged rides for everyone for the rest of the week. On top of that, one mom from church referred us to a mechanic in our church whom we didn't yet know. She said he's a believer and he's an awesome mechanic. He came and got our car and fixed it. Without a new engine. And we got it back the same day.

All of these things were really minor in the big scheme of things. But they made a big impression on my heart. For the first time in a long time, we had people. God showed us His love and provision through His people. The church acted like the church and we were a Body and it was awesome... the way it's supposed to be. It was also a lesson in humility for someone (me) who likes to go at it alone most of the time. All I had to do was ask. How many blessings and provisions have I missed because I didn't ask? Because I didn't trust?

That's only one example of the things I feel that God has been teaching us lately. So thankful for His patience, as I am a very slow learner. And thankful that I can write these things down so that I don't forget. Or when I do forget, I can go back and remember.

I just remembered that I really do like blogging.


Krissi Murphy said...

Yeah, you're back! I've been checking every few days to see if you have any updates. Love to read your blog! Glad everyone is doing well.

Amy said...

this post made me teary eyed. I know EXACTLY what that feels like - finally having people after such a long time without them. And 2 days ago we found out John's job may end next week and we may have to move again - away from our newly found people. But God is good and faithful right? Even when life is hard - I think i heard that quote first here. Glad you are back Jenny - your words encourage me.

Jackie said...

I totally understand the need for a blogging break. But I'm glad you posted again! I've missed your encouraging words.

"All I had to do was ask." Ouch. That's so me.

Merrill said...

I also find it hard to ask for help. It is ridiculous isn't it? Glad you posted!

Dena and Robbie said...

Wow, that's all I can say. What an amazing God we serve. He does know every detail and provide in the most amazing ways. We too have a Body that continually amazes us with their kindness. It is sweet. Thanks for sharing and glad you are back. You are always a source of truth and encouragement. I love your sweet heart.

Jen said...

Good for you for taking a break. Sometimes that's very needed! I will say... I think some churches are really unique and that one in particular seemed to us to really "act" like a church. The more we dove in, the more we were just blown away. I'm so glad you're having a similar experience! SO humbling to see how all the "parts" fit together for the "whole." can't wait to see you soon!