Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas sing

The older girls were a part of the children's choir at church this year and this was their big Christmas performance.  They did great and Hannah even had her first speaking part.  They performed 2 nights and on the 2nd night I noticed during the singing that Gracey wasn't closing her mouth all the way.  The whole time, she had a bit of an Elvis snarl on her face.  Afterwards, I realized that "backstage" they had put blush and lip gloss on all the girls (see photo)...Gracey was afraid that she'd mess up her make up if she touched her lips together!  Singing to Jesus is great while keeping her make up straight!  :)

1 comment:

islandjen said...

love all these pictures Jenny! i really can't believe how big your kiddos are getting! hope this pregnancy is continuing to go smoothly!