Monday, September 8, 2008

Walk for Life

This past weekend we participated in the local Walk for Life to raise money for the Life Centers of Indianapolis. These centers provide emotional, spiritual and practical support for women facing unplanned pregnancies. Through these centers many, many women have heard the gospel of Christ and found hope that has enabled them to choose life for their babies. I can't imagine the heartache these women must face while struggling with such a decision, but having this support there must help in amazing ways. Through many of our friends giving online, our family "Team McNeill" has raised $360 so far. Thanks so much for everyone who contributed financially and especially to those who keep these women in your prayers! Here's a few pictures of our "team" during the walk.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Jenny- you have such a BEAUTIFUL family! What an exciting life you lead with lots of babies and lots of moving! I'm so glad you have a blog- thanks for stopping in on my. It's wonderful to catch up with old friends.